Here are my top album picks for 2009. Not as obscure as pitchfork (no pun intended given my top pick)...I go by what Ive continually had in my playlists across the year or what Ive picked up recently that I'm "beating to death". Hipster media darlings don't always make for repetition on the street, in the car or at home over time.
1. Camera Obscura - My Maudlin Career:
Late pickup but I cant stop listening...incredible album. I loved their last one and this one "kills-it". Best of '09 by far.

2. Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix:
See my post on 6/11/09. Media blitzkrieg but a rock-solid showing from my favorite Frenchmen. Relatively on par with Its Never Been Like That which is one of my top albums of all time.

3. The Thermals - Now We Can See:
Saw them a few times over 2009 and they continue to sustain themselves through their records and live performances as one of my favorite bands of all time .

4. Dinosaur Jr. - Farm:
Saw them live recently with Sonic Youth which didn't blow me away per usual (see my post from 5/7/09) but this album is so strong. Takes me back to the Without A Sound/Where You Been/Hand It Over days.

5. Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest:
Great work boys. Album is solid. Thanks for the reco Stricklands.

6. Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion:
See my post on 2/4/09 - Takes a bit to get used to but the sound is so unique its like no album Ive ever heard. Start off with the singles and you'll warm up to the full album.

7. Sonic Youth - The Eternal:
See my post on 9/4/09. Unreal how these legends continue to raise the bar of rock year by year. Most evident in their live shows...just saw them on 11/21/09 in NYC with DJr...blown away.

8. The Von Bondies - Love, Hate and Then There's You:
See my post on 3/26/09. Sleeper hit of '09 for me.

9. Superchunk - Leaves In The Gutter EP:
See my post on 5/22/09. Its like they were cryogenicaly frozen for a decade. Awesome.

10. Real Estate - Real Estate:
Recent pickup (per a Facebook reco from my old college buddy Carl) that oddly matches all of the reviews of being Beach-Boys esque, "dream-pop" etc. Solid.

11. Built To Spill - There Is No Enemy:
See my post on 11/18/09.

12. Matt & Kim - Grand:
Album and subsequent videos make me miss my younger NYC days.

13. Lamb of God - Wrath:
NSFE. You want to let off some steam (aka - smash something) buy this album (ladies...might want to side-step)

14. The Doves - Kingdom of Rust:
These brits continue to make solid rock records. Id say this album is parallel to Last Broadcast which was my inaugural Doves listening experience.

15. Silversun Pickups - Swoon:
Got bad reviews from the music press but I think their sophomore record is pretty rockin yet different from Carnavas.

In conclusion...
I still have a few to listen to per the top '09 lists Ive been receiving from my friends including these Dirty Projectors I keep hearing so much about. Been a little preoccupied the past few months.
There's so many albums dropping in early 2010 so this year should start off "correct" then climax when I see the first NYC Pavement reunion show in Sept (suckaz!). Then we got Halloween, my birthday, turkeyday and the return of crappy-sappy holiday jewelery commercials.
See you in "Oh-Ten" kiddos. -TC
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